1. 单词:
- Ship(船): Please prepare the ship for departure.(请准备船只出发。)
- Navigation(导航): Navigation equipment is essential for safe passage.(导航设备对安全航行至关重要。)
- Chart(海图): Plot our course on the chart.(在海图上标出我们的航线。)
- Voyage(航行): We are about to embark on a long voyage.(我们即将进行一次长途航行。)
- Anchor(锚): Drop the anchor to secure the ship.(放下锚以稳住船只。)
- Port(港口): We will arrive at the port tomorrow morning.(明天上午我们将到达港口。)
2. 句子:
- The third officer is responsible for navigation and keeping the ship's log.(三副负责导航和记录船舶日志。)
- The ship encountered rough seas during the voyage.(船只在航行中遭遇了汹涌的海浪。)
- The third officer plotted the ship's position on the chart.(三副将船舶的位置标在海图上。)
- The anchor was raised and the ship set sail.(锚被提起,船只启航。)
- The ship will berth at the port for unloading and loading cargo.(船只将停靠在港口进行货物的卸载和装载。)
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