主页 > 百科知识 > 小学英语巧记顺口溜


时间:2024-11-30 11:42:28 浏览量:


1. 数字顺口溜:

One, two, buckle my shoe.

Three, four, shut the door.

Five, six, pick up sticks.

Seven, eight, lay them straight.

Nine, ten, a big fat hen.

2. 常见动词顺口溜:

Run, run, run so fast,

Catch, catch the ball at last.

Jump, jump, jump real high,

Dance, dance, touch the sky.

3. 介词顺口溜:

In, on, under, through,

Above, below, I see you.

With, for, from, to,

By, beside, it's true.

4. 问句顺口溜:

What, where, when, who,

Why, how, I want to know you.


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