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located 介词用in还是at

时间:2025-01-14 01:23:52 浏览量:

located 介词用in不是at,be located in中文意思是位于;坐落于

The proposed project is to be located in Kitimat.拟议的项目将设在基蒂马特。

The queries to be filtered will be located in other reports.过滤的查询位于其他报表中。

This file will be located in the TestActivity.activity directory.

located in :通常是用于指比较大的为止,但又没有详细资料。

例句:I started by asking how many daycare centers were located in the United States.


例句: He is located in that building, but I do not know which floor.

2.located on :一般不会用于人身上。

例句:This city is located on the southern fringe of the desert.

3.located at :通常是用于有精确的地址时。

例句:Beijing is located at 40 ° N and 116 ° E.

4.located to :一般是用来形容“某人”或“某工厂”或“某公司”从某地“迁移”到另外一个地方。

例句:It is located to the northeast of the garden.


located,英式发音为 [ləʊˈkeɪtɪd],美式发音为 [ˈloʊkeɪtɪd]。



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