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时间:2024-11-30 01:35:32 浏览量:

pharmacology[英][ˌfɑ:məˈkɒlədʒi][美][ˌfɑ:rməˈkɑ:lədʒi]n.药理学,药物学; 例句:

1.They conjectured that the most exciting new business applications of chemistry would be in pharmacology. 他们由此推断,化学最令人兴奋的新商业应用将出现在药理学领域。

2.Colleagues worried that yale university's dr. cheng, a mainstream, respected professor of pharmacology, was taking a professional risk by delving into possible herbal treatments for cancer. 同事们担心,作为耶鲁大学一名德高望重的主流药理学教授,郑永齐钻研草药治疗癌症的可能性是在冒职业风险。

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