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英语社团怎么拼写 急用

时间:2024-12-28 02:24:01 浏览量:


社团: [ shè tuán ]

1. assn.

2. combo

3. college

4. consortium

5. corporation

6. league


<association> <intramural competition> <community>


1. 为什么来自别校的女孩子能参加我们的社团?

How come girls from other college can join you club?

2. 大学董事某些学院或大学中的社团高级会员

An incorporated senior member of certain colleges and universities.

3. 个人的生活史,首先就是适应他的社团中祖祖辈辈传下来的行为模式和准则的历史。

The life history of the inpidual is first and foremost an accommodation to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community.

4. 机会团***于华盛顿东部一个独立的社团,斯波肯的一个住宅区,人口22,326

An unincorporated community of eastern Washington, a residential suburb of Spokane. Population, 22,326.

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